Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sew fun!

You may have noticed I am a little late with my post.  But, I have a (not-so) good reason.  In the last post I joked that my eyes were going to be permanently crossed after all of the time on the computer designing the blog layouts.  That was my way of making light of the headache I had after all the computer time.  Little did I know that the headache I had was only the beginning of the most excruciating head and neck pain I have ever experienced.  Ever.

I have had sporadic problems with neck pain and getting headaches over the last several years.  I attributed my problems to the years spent sitting at my desk at work, head bent down looking at the computer, with very few opportunities to get up and walk around during the day.  I also have had poor neck support while I sleep.  I have tried almost every type of pillow out there and still I have mornings where I wake up with a bad headache and shooting pains in my neck.  I slept in a bad position the night before last and when I woke up yesterday, I was in brought-tears-to-my-eyes agony.  The pain in my neck spread across my skull and forehead and anytime I sat down, whether on a chair, the sofa, or my bed it made the pain worse.  Needless to say the computer was off most of the day and just layed on my bed a got some rest.

Thankfully today was much better, thanks to Bengay (I smell like I'm 90) Advil, and some Vicodin I had left after having my tooth pulled last fall.  At least I can function again and finally put up this post :)  Here is my new sewing machine:

I turned my desk into a work area and bought a bin to organize all of my sewing 'stuff'.  I cannot work in clutter lol

My first project was a pin cushion.  It didn't come out the way it was supposed to, but I think it looks kind of funky and I like it better than the pattern :)  I guess I'm no Martha Stewart lol

My next project will be a table runner for my Mom.  I had her pick out the fabric for it when we went shopping last week.  I think that should be simple enough to make (obviously pin cushions are far too advanced for me at this stage lolol).  Hopefully I will be able to get it done this week and of course, there will be photos!

I may be back a little later with my Tuesday Ten post.  If not, I hope you have a great night!


  1. I love your pin cushion! It has such character...:) With it's bumps and all...lol. Actually, I think it's pretty good for your first project. Practice always makes perfect ...:) Hang in there and sew on!!

  2. You poor dear, I can sympathize with you with the headache and neck pain, it's something I seem to wake up with every morning. Yet mine goes away after an hour or so (usually) so I know it's the way I'm sleeping that is causing it. I do hope you feel much better real soon.

    No doubt you are thrilled with your new sewing machine:-) My mom has sewed all her life and use to make all of my and her clothes while I was growing up but...all I can do is hem pants! lol I just did not get her talent at sewing, although I have tried many times. Love the pin cushion you made, it's darling. xoxo
