Friday, January 22, 2010

Jack Frost

Project 365 - Day 3


Today's photo is nothing spectacular, but it is a sample of something new I learned.  I have been practicing taking photos in dim/low light and always end up with grainy or blurred photos.  I recently learned how to adjust the shutter speed on my camera which [insert long technical explanation here] enables me to take a clear, sharp photo in low light.  I've been enjoying this peppermint & vanilla scent all day and now that it's starting to get dark out I figured I would put my new found knowledge to good use :)


  1. Jack frost nipping at your nose lol....Glad that your learning new techniques :) Keep at it kiddo, your pictures have improved so much since you got your new camera. :)

  2. that scent sounds like a very nice one; the picture is neat too!! glad you are enjoying (and learning) your new camera :)

