Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Oh happy day!

Hi everyone!  I am feeling so much better today.  The highlight of my day just came in the mail a little while ago when I got the new camera lens I ordered.  I bought myself a little after-Christmas gift on last week :)  I know this probably won't interest those of you not into photography, but its a Nikkor 55-200mm zoom lens.  This means that I will be able to take close-up photos of objects at a distance from me which I haven't been able to do until now.

Here she is:

Aside from the camera, this was the next big investment for me and it made me very nervous.  I rationalized that this is an investment in my future and that if I want to be a Photographer, I need to have and practice with the right equipment to build on my skills.  But even though this is all true, I sat there and went back and forth for a couple of hours on whether or not to buy the lens.  I can very easily spend money on others, but when it comes time to buy something for myself I analyze it to death lol.  What if I never become a Photographer?  Then all of the money spent on equipment will be wasted.  But I still enjoy photography as a hobby, so it's ok to invest money into it.  But I really shouldn't be spending money on a hobby right now.  And I end at the same place each time I go through this dialogue with myself:  I WILL be a Photographer.  It's what I want to do with my life and it will happen.  No more self doubt.  I have faith that I can accomplish my dreams :)

I'm off to got try out the new lens.  Oh, the pictures I will take! lol  You know I'll be back with photos :)


  1. Dreams are put in our hearts by God...As we do our part ... God will open the doors that need to be opened to fulfill them! :) You will get there just keep the faith, kiddo.

    <3 Karly

  2. I do the same thing, going back and forth regarding if I should buy something for myself like that or not! lol This is too funny because right after Christmas I bought myself a new camera...will post about it tomorrow:-) I hemmed and hawed about spending that much on myself but hey, I decided I'm worth it and so are you!! hehe Looking forward to seeing the pictures you take. xoxo
