Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quick post

I am laying here in bed and just realized I forgot to post today. Spent much of the day today in the Emergency Room and by the time we got done with dinner and things settled down it was after 8 pm. I'm so tired and decided to get to bed early tonight (11:30 is really early for me). I have been having alot of trouble sleeping for over a month now. I stay up late waiting for my body to get tired and when I do finally go to bed, I will sometimes lay there until 3 or 4 am wide awake. I just want a good night of sleep, so I hope I can drift off to sleep and stay that way for the next 8 hours or so :)

Goodnight to you all!

1 comment:

  1. oh no! who was in the emergency room? hoping all is well???

    I have trouble sleeping so I so totally understand your desire for a good night sleep; hoping tonight is the night!

