Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday Ten

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a nice weekend. I ventured out in the downpouring rain on Saturday to get my hair highlighted, then headed home and spent the rest of the weekend indoors. With having all that time on my hands I put some thought into what I want to do with this website. I have come up with a few ideas, one of which I am beginning today.

Every Tuesday I will be posting the 'Tuesday Ten'. I'll post a topic or question and then the ten answers that I came up with for that topic. The question will be related to photography or another fun topic. I invite you all to participate by leaving your own answers in the comments section. You can also re-post the Tuesday Ten on your own blog and leave a link here so I can check out your answers :) Here goes week #1 of the Tuesday Ten!

10 Favorite Television Shows

01. The Biggest Loser
02. 90210
03. Little People, Big World
04. Golden Girls
05. Grey's Anatomy
06. Desperate Housewives
07. America's Next Top Model (only because of the photoshoots!)
08. Ace of Cakes
09. What Not to Wear
10. Anything on the Food Network

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn :) I have to put my thinking cap on LOL… My favorite shows are…
    1. Little People
    2. Dr. Phil
    3. Jessie Duplantis
    4. Creflo Dollar
    5. Dr. G
    6. Intervention
    7. Deperate Housewives
    8. Greys Anatomy
    9. Rosanne (any of the oldies, but goodies haha)
    10. Alton Brown
