Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's gonna be a long night

It's been a somewhat unproductive week. I've been in kind of a slump this week and haven't seemed to accomplish much, right down to taking pictures. I did grab my camera to take a few photos one evening earlier in the week which produced the photo above, but aside from that I haven't had much inspiration to do much of anything. Just an off week I guess.

I did accomplish one important thing though. I went to the Dentist on Tuesday and got my first filling ever...and man was I relieved when it was done! I have to say it was not as bad as I had imagined. Nothing compared to having my tooth pulled last month. Needless to say that I can't wait until all of my dental work is complete. By the end of next month I should be all set and won't have to see the dentist again for 6 months or so.

I'm also making a few changes starting next week; I am finally going to take charge of a few things in my life that need work and changing. Things that I have been meaning to do, finish, or start that I never seem to get around to. Like knitting for example. I have been wanting to start working on my knitting skills for weeks now so I can make an afghan for my Mom. At the rate I have been procrastinating, she will be receiving the blanket as a gift at her retirement party (she's only in her forties now) lol. That's only one thing on a long list of short-term goals.

Another thing I have been contemplating is starting a series of photo shoots. I recently came across the website of L.A. photographer Ian Ruhter (whose work is fantastic!) and he always seems to have a theme or project he is working on. For example, right now he is in the middle of shooting a project that focuses on Downtown L.A. I really like the idea of that; having a collection of photos all related to the same theme. I think it would be great to always be working towards a goal and give a sense of completion each time a project is finished, as opposed to aimlessly taking photos of the same objects like I tend to do now. So, right now I am coming up with some ideas for projects I could work on. If you have any ideas for me, they would be welcomed and appreciated :)

My mind needs a rest for tonight, so I am going to try to relax and maybe get some more photos edited. I have a difficult time shutting off my mind sometimes and tonight is one of those times. I think it is going to be a long night.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenn,

    I just got around to visiting your site. Wow! I love it! It turned out great. :)
    We all have times we have to examine our lives and make changes where we need to. Hang in there you will come out of your slump! :) No where to go but up!!! Have a good night, and talk later :)

    Be Blessed
