Saturday, October 31, 2009
It's gonna be a long night
It's been a somewhat unproductive week. I've been in kind of a slump this week and haven't seemed to accomplish much, right down to taking pictures. I did grab my camera to take a few photos one evening earlier in the week which produced the photo above, but aside from that I haven't had much inspiration to do much of anything. Just an off week I guess.
I did accomplish one important thing though. I went to the Dentist on Tuesday and got my first filling ever...and man was I relieved when it was done! I have to say it was not as bad as I had imagined. Nothing compared to having my tooth pulled last month. Needless to say that I can't wait until all of my dental work is complete. By the end of next month I should be all set and won't have to see the dentist again for 6 months or so.
I'm also making a few changes starting next week; I am finally going to take charge of a few things in my life that need work and changing. Things that I have been meaning to do, finish, or start that I never seem to get around to. Like knitting for example. I have been wanting to start working on my knitting skills for weeks now so I can make an afghan for my Mom. At the rate I have been procrastinating, she will be receiving the blanket as a gift at her retirement party (she's only in her forties now) lol. That's only one thing on a long list of short-term goals.
Another thing I have been contemplating is starting a series of photo shoots. I recently came across the website of L.A. photographer Ian Ruhter (whose work is fantastic!) and he always seems to have a theme or project he is working on. For example, right now he is in the middle of shooting a project that focuses on Downtown L.A. I really like the idea of that; having a collection of photos all related to the same theme. I think it would be great to always be working towards a goal and give a sense of completion each time a project is finished, as opposed to aimlessly taking photos of the same objects like I tend to do now. So, right now I am coming up with some ideas for projects I could work on. If you have any ideas for me, they would be welcomed and appreciated :)
My mind needs a rest for tonight, so I am going to try to relax and maybe get some more photos edited. I have a difficult time shutting off my mind sometimes and tonight is one of those times. I think it is going to be a long night.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Pioneer Woman Cooks on Bonnie Hunt
One of my favorite daily reads is The Pioneer Woman, otherwise known as Ree Drummond. Her website is great and features multiple sections within the site, one of them focused on Photography. I must admit, Ree is actually part of the inspiration behind creating this website and my wanting to become a photographer. Shortly after I first saw her work, I really started to evaluate my own goals and path in life and realized that my love for photography shouldn't stop at just taking photos of random events and holidays.
Photography has always been in the back of my mind as a 'wouldn't it be nice to do that for a living?' kind of thing. My mind is always filled with doubt about my abilities and the fact that I have no formal training has always stopped me from even considering it. But, when I found out that Ree is completely self-taught and I see how wonderful her photos are, it gave me confidence that I can learn as I go and develop my skills. I did a lot of research and purchased my first 'professional' Nikon camera several months ago and made the decision that I will be a photographer one day. I believe that with practice I can turn it into my career and finally do something that I love for a living.
I just finished watching today's episode of the Bonnie Hunt Show which Ree was on and it was great! She's very sweet and down to earth and it was nice to finally see the person (and personality) behind her website. She was promoting her cookbook on the show and even got to bake a cake with Bonnie. The two of them together were a hoot! If you haven't already visited her website, you can take a peek here. Be sure to check out her photography too, it's pretty darn good :)
Photography has always been in the back of my mind as a 'wouldn't it be nice to do that for a living?' kind of thing. My mind is always filled with doubt about my abilities and the fact that I have no formal training has always stopped me from even considering it. But, when I found out that Ree is completely self-taught and I see how wonderful her photos are, it gave me confidence that I can learn as I go and develop my skills. I did a lot of research and purchased my first 'professional' Nikon camera several months ago and made the decision that I will be a photographer one day. I believe that with practice I can turn it into my career and finally do something that I love for a living.
I just finished watching today's episode of the Bonnie Hunt Show which Ree was on and it was great! She's very sweet and down to earth and it was nice to finally see the person (and personality) behind her website. She was promoting her cookbook on the show and even got to bake a cake with Bonnie. The two of them together were a hoot! If you haven't already visited her website, you can take a peek here. Be sure to check out her photography too, it's pretty darn good :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Scituate Art Festival
Last weekend, my Dad and I went to the annual Scituate Art Festival. It is always so crowded and parking is a nightmare, but it was such a beautiful day that I couldn't resist going. We actually got a great parking spot right in the center of all the activity and walked around for a few hours. There are hundreds of vendors that come each year with their artwork, crafts and other miscellaneous items and of course there was plenty of food. I only bought a few small things but I really enjoyed looking at all of the paintings and photos they had for sale. I couldn't help but wonder if someday I might be a vendor there selling my photos :)
Some antique jewelry one of the vendors had for sale
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Let it (snow??)

I am sitting here right now editing photos, listening to music and, oh yeah - watching the snow fall outside my window. This just isn't right. Winter is slowly creeping in and stealing my Fall. Just when it started feeling 'Autumn-y' around here, boom! Snow! Hello Nor'easter :( Now don't get me wrong, I do like snow. At the appropriate time. Which isn't October 18th in my opinion.
I don't enjoy watching my pumpkins, mums and all of the Fall decorations in my yard get covered by cold, wet snow. But what can you do, right? I will just sit here and pretend it's not snowing out there while I burn my 'Autumn Leaves' scented Yankee candle in protest and finish editing photos. Which, by the way, I will finally be adding to the gallery shortly. I've been taking photos almost daily so I am way backed up with editing which has delayed getting them all posted up here. But I'm almost done with the first batch so check back later today if you'd like to see them :)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
25 things
I added a section called 'Just for fun' where I will post memes and other miscellaneous things. I've posted 25 random things that most people don't know about me if you'd like to check it out :) Photos are on the way soon!
Friday, October 9, 2009
And so the journey begins...
Welcome to my photography blog, A Bella Sorriso! I have created this blog as a way to share my photos with people and at the same time create a portfolio of my work. I also want to document my journey on the way to becoming a photographer so I can look back some day and see how far I've come. Please have a look around to learn a little more about me and check out my work.
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